Foie Gras, Pistachio & Sour Cherry

34%Burnt is the new project from the team behind Salt & Earth and Two Cats Kitchen, Niki Astley and Georgiana Radenschi.
The project promises to bring years worth of culinary effort, investigation and global travel together in one intensely delicious whole.
500g Ethical Duck Foie Gras, grade A fresh
120g table salt
20g brown sugar
5g coriander seed
2g salt petre
5g fennel seed
Jay cloths or muslin
Trim all sinews and veins from the foie gras before placing in ice water for thirty minutes. Place the remaining ingredients in a blender and blitz briefly.
Pat the foie dry and cover with half the cure mix; leave for 4 hours. Wash off the cure after the four hours are up.
Open out the muslin and place the foie inside in a sausage shape, about 4cm thick. Wrap it tightly in the cloth and firmly massage it from all sides so that it comes together as much as possible.
Take the ends of the cloth and roll it tightly as possible to create a sausage shape. Tie the ends, place in a tray and cover with the remaining salt mix for 24 hours.
After the 24 hours are up remove all salt and hang in your fridge for 24 hours, ensuring it hangs freely and air can circulate the foie. After 24 hours, freeze for up to 6 hours and keep for up to 28 days.
100g Pistachios
20g butter
30g caster sugar
Place all ingredients in a heavy bottomed pan on full heat. Once the butter starts to melt stir everything together, occasional stir as the sugar caramelises to coat the nuts. Turn out onto a baking mat to cool.
100g sour cherry juice (bought is fine, although maybe overly sweet so should be brightened with a touch of lemon juice)
1g gellan F
Have a container Chilled over ice to our the cherry juice into. Sift the gellan into the sour cherry juice and bring to the boil. Pour into the chilled container and allow to set for one hour. Blend fully to make a gel.
200g sour cherries halved and pitted
Half lemon
Tsp icing sugar
Place cherries in a bowl, sift over the icing sugar and squeeze over the lemon juice. Allow to sit for fifteen minutes.
Arrange five halves of cherries, and around eleven pistachios in a bowl. Place five dots of sour cherry gel around them. Using a microplane grate the frozen foie gras over the top until everything beneath is concealed beneath the shaved liver.
We are not responsible for the outcome of any recipe you try from this site or any website linked to from this site. You may not achieve the results desired due to variations in ingredients, cooking temperatures, typos, errors, omissions, or individual cooking ability. You should always use your best judgement when cooking with raw ingredients such as eggs, chicken or fish and seek expert advice before beginning if you are unsure. Recipes available on this website HAVE NOT been formally tested by us or for us and we do not provide any assurances nor accept any responsibility or liability with regard to their originality efficacy quality or safety.